No 100% enchant scroll, glowing NPCs like garlands, wings and other nonsense
Coin of Luck can be obtained by game or by voting for the server
Help for new players, simple lvlap
EXP/SP (and for quests): x50
Adena (and for quests): x50
Drop: x10
Seal Stones: x5
Manor: x5
Spoil: x10
Key materials drop / Spoil: x1 with premium x2
Fishing: x10
Enchant 25% after +6
1 profession - 3 000 aden
2 profession - 30 000 aden
3 profession - kill the Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight, Shrine Guard monsters in the Wall of Argos and collect 700 Halisha's Badge
Automatic restart every Saturday at 5:00 am Moscow time
ALT+B (teleport, shop, buff, professions, service)
Buff 1 hour
Auto learning skills
Epic RB spawn and kill announcement
The maximum level for the sub class is 80, the hero's skills when changing the sub class
Sub class without quest
Professions for Adena
GM shop up to B grade
Auction at the NPC in all cities, for the sale and return of 100 000 000 adena
Restore mana potion 800 MP, cooldown 7 seconds
Quick Healing Potion 5 seconds
Buff blocking skill
The amount and chance of dropping HP from Tyrannosaurus has been increased
Clan hall auction only at clan level 8
Can't wear Heavy for archers and daggers
Earring of Orfen additional stat CON+1 MEN+1
Ring of Core additional stat CON+1 MEN+1
7 days olympiad period
The Olympiad runs every day from 22:00 before 00:00 MCK.
No restrictions on HWID/IP.
Official Olympiad, no heal 5 seconds before the start of the match as on the java server
Hero skills for the sub class
Competition 3 VS 3
Competition in its type Mages VS Mages and Warriors VS Warriors
No 100% enchant scroll, glowing NPCs like garlands, wings and other nonsense
Coin of Luck can be obtained by game or by voting for the server
Help for new players, simple lvlap
EXP/SP (and for quests): x50
Adena (and for quests): x50
Drop: x10
Seal Stones: x5
Manor: x5
Spoil: x10
Key materials drop / Spoil: x1 with premium x2
Fishing: x10
Enchant 25% after +6
1 profession - 3 000 aden
2 profession - 30 000 aden
3 profession - kill the Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight, Shrine Guard monsters in the Wall of Argos and collect 700 Halisha's Badge
Automatic restart every Saturday at 5:00 am Moscow time
ALT+B (teleport, shop, buff, professions, service)
Buff 1 hour
Auto learning skills
Epic RB spawn and kill announcement
The maximum level for the sub class is 80, the hero's skills when changing the sub class
Sub class without quest
Professions for Adena
GM shop up to B grade
Auction at the NPC in all cities, for the sale and return of 100 000 000 adena
Restore mana potion 800 MP, cooldown 7 seconds
Quick Healing Potion 5 seconds
Buff blocking skill
The amount and chance of dropping HP from Tyrannosaurus has been increased
Clan hall auction only at clan level 8
Can't wear Heavy for archers and daggers
Earring of Orfen additional stat CON+1 MEN+1
Ring of Core additional stat CON+1 MEN+1
7 days olympiad period
The Olympiad runs every day from 22:00 before 00:00 MCK.
No restrictions on HWID/IP.
Official Olympiad, no heal 5 seconds before the start of the match as on the java server
Hero skills for the sub class
Competition 3 VS 3
Competition in its type Mages VS Mages and Warriors VS Warriors