# 92


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2 stages of character development after the start of the server
BOT and third party software are not allowed
Coin of Luck can be obtained in-game
Armor, weapons, pieces, scrolls, and arrows are sold for 50% off the cost of OFF
Global chat and offline trading/crafting available from level 20
Decreased rollback of Aggression and Aura of Hate (650 radius)
Disrupt Undead and Might of Heaven deal damage to all monsters and characters
Unique Sharpening System
Auction with the ability to sell weapons with LS
Installed NPC Buffer for the Buff Coin and Adena
Buff slots 24 + 4 Divine Inspiration
Buffs 2 hours
2 Hour Summon Lifetime
Castle Siege and Clan Halls Acquisition available from Clan Level 6
Fortess siege is available from clan level 5
For taking a castle you can get 1000 Coin of Luck with a 50% chance at the end of a siege
Announcement of Nubl/Sub/Ketra/Varka and Epic RB - 20 min before rebirth
PvP Reward
Books/Enchant Scrolls and LS stack
Can take any sub class
Active LS effect is not lost when weapons are removed
No cursed weapons
Donat minimal effect on gameplay - accessories, paint and change nickname, premium account
Autostart at 6:00 Moscow time

Listing Stats
In Out Views
All Time 14764 4614 1576
This Month 0 10 9
2025-02-07 0 3 3
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2025-02-02 0 0 2
2025-02-01 0 6 1
2025-01-31 0 5 1
2025-01-29 0 2 2
2025-01-28 0 20 2
2025-01-27 0 0 1
2025-01-26 0 7 1
2025-01-24 0 5 0
2025-01-23 0 5 0
2025-01-22 0 1 2
2025-01-21 0 7 2
2025-01-20 0 7 1
2025-01-19 0 9 0
2025-01-18 0 5 1
2025-01-17 0 5 1
2025-01-15 0 0 1
2025-01-14 0 0 1
2025-01-13 0 0 1
2025-01-12 0 2 1
2025-01-11 0 5 1
2025-01-10 0 10 1
2025-01-09 0 0 1