Top100Arena helps you find private servers or websites for your favorite MMORPG. We list and rank private servers for Runescape, World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Lineage 2, and many others. This helps gamers find gaming sites and webmasters gain more visitors.
The lists are ranked based on player voting. A vote is counted when a person clicks on the Top100Arena voting link on a webpage, and then confirms their vote. Anti-cheating measures are taken in order to ensure the lists are accurate.
Browse to the category of your choice and click the Add Listing button.
Yes, you can add a private server listing for free. You may optionally choose to pay for extra promotion for your server, but basic listings will always be free.
Enter your username and password at the top of any page.
We have a process to reclaim your listing. You should set up a new account and use the link below to migrate the site to your new account: Claim Listing
Yes. If you do not enter the HTML code within 3 days of account activation, then your site will be removed.
Contact us with your username and password and we will remove you from our system.
Insert the HTML code on every page of your website if possible. We will then be able to track all hits and visitors to your website for accurate ranking.
We support two methods for checking whether members have voted or not. Please see Incentive Voting for details on how to implement them.
Contact us and we’ll see what we can do for you!